Benji Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions
Last updated on Thursday, April 13, 2023
Benji Technologies Inc. (“Benji” or “we”) is excited to launch the Benji Affiliate Program, which allows you, as a Benji Affiliate (“Affiliate” or “you”) the chance to offer access to Benji Eligible Products and earn money at the same time, as further described herein (“Affiliate Program”). By becoming an Affiliate, you agree to these Benji Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions (“Agreement”).
- No self-referrals
- No coupon, deal, loyalty, cash-back, rewards, or virtual mall websites
- No infringing on our or anyone else’s intellectual property, publicity, privacy, or other rights
- No cookie stuffing or altering
- No adware, spyware, loyalty-ware or any such software
- No pretending to be acting on behalf of us
- All referring links must be verifiable/traceable (pretty links permitted)
- No violate any laws, rules, or regulations
- No purchasing of domains/URLs that contain the words "Benji" or "Better With Benji" to be used as a forwarder to your affiliate URL
- No purchasing of ads/advertising that uses your affiliate URL or link to a page on your site promoting our Affiliate Program
- Do not include our affiliate links or program in any content that is defamatory, obscene, threatening, harassing, harmful to minors, or contains nudity, pornography, or sexually explicit materials
- Abuse or gaming will result in having your account banned
When linking to our website/your affiliate link
- Your website can not in any way copy, resemble, or mirror the look and feel of our website or brand. You will also not use any means to create the impression that your website is our website or any part of our website including, without limitation, framing our Website in any manner.
- You may not engage in cookie stuffing or include pop-ups or false or misleading links on your website. In addition, wherever possible, you will not attempt to mask the referring URL information (i.e. the page from where the click is originating). All referring links must be verifiable/traceable (pretty links permitted).
- Using redirects to bounce a click off of a domain from which the click did not originate to give the appearance that it came from that domain is prohibited.
- You may not use any of our company or product terms as part of the domain or subdomain for your website is strictly prohibited i.e. or
- Using any of our terms ("Benji" or "Better With Benji") as part of your social handle is strictly prohibited i.e.
- You may not purchase ads to promote our Affiliate Program or your affiliate ID/URL.
If you intend to promote our Affiliate Program via email campaigns or newsletters, you must adhere to the following
- Abide by the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (Public Law No. 108-187) with respect to our Affiliate Program.
- Email must be sent on your behalf and must not imply that the email is being sent on behalf of Benji.
We reserve the right to terminate your affiliate account for violation of any of the rules at our sole discretion. Commissions generated by mechanisms that are in violation of our Agreement may be reversed and/or will not be paid or owed. We also reserve the right to change the Agreement for our Affiliate Program at any time.
Content created by our Affiliates that promote Benji may be subject to review and oversight from several regulatory bodies, including Ad Standards, the Competition Bureau, the Investment Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Each of these bodies has its own regulatory requirements and guidelines, and we strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with them. In addition, all our Affiliates are required to follow our Affiliate Guidelines (below).
Affiliate Guidelines
Don’t make claims that are false or misleading
- What if the claim is LITERALLY true? Something that is literally true but omits material information, or something that is technically true but is accompanied by a visual that creates a misleading general impression, may be considered misleading.
- For example, if you claim that all Benji users can start finding tax write-offs for free that is technically true, but could be considered misleading because we ask users to upgrade once they find at least $1,000 in tax write-offs.
- We think our app is a pretty good deal for self-employed individuals, so we encourage you to be transparent about our plans when talking about Benji.
- Make sure that you have confirmed any facts about Benji
- For example, Benji is not tax preparation software, so we don’t call it one.
Tell followers you’re a part of our Affiliate Program and that your opinions are your own
- Any partnership relationship, compensation, benefits, and incentives, whether it is monetary or not, will need to be disclosed in a clear and upfront manner on ALL content.
- When in doubt, spell it out—blanket disclosure somewhere on your page/site is not enough.
- When writing about Benji please include the following language prominently either at the beginning or end of your piece:
- Any opinions expressed in this content are solely my own and not the views or opinions of Benji. I may receive a commission if you click on referral links in this piece and upgrade to a paid Benji plan.
Only share an opinion if it’s genuine
- We hope that you love our app, but please make sure that anything you tell your followers about Benji is your genuinely held opinion.
Avoid conduct that would reasonably be expected to reflect poorly on Benji and/or its Affiliate Program
- We periodically audit content posted by participants in our Affiliate Program. Failure to follow the Affiliate Guidelines may result in your removal from our Affiliate Program.